2024 Localization is all you evaluate: Data leakage in online mapping datasets and how to fix it Adam Lilja, Junsheng Fu, Erik Stenborg, and 1 more author In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2024 arXiv Bib Website @inproceedings{lilja2024localization, title = {Localization is all you evaluate: Data leakage in online mapping datasets and how to fix it}, author = {Lilja, Adam and Fu, Junsheng and Stenborg, Erik and Hammarstrand, Lars}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages = {22150--22159}, year = {2024}, } Are NeRFs ready for autonomous driving? Towards closing the real-to-simulation gap Carl Lindström, Georg Hess, Adam Lilja, and 4 more authors In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2024 arXiv Bib Website @inproceedings{lindstrom2024nerfs, title = {Are NeRFs ready for autonomous driving? Towards closing the real-to-simulation gap}, author = {Lindstr{\"o}m, Carl and Hess, Georg and Lilja, Adam and Fatemi, Maryam and Hammarstrand, Lars and Petersson, Christoffer and Svensson, Lennart}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages = {4461--4471}, year = {2024}, } Exploring Semi-Supervised Learning for Online Mapping Adam Lilja, Erik Wallin, Junsheng Fu, and 1 more author arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.10279, 2024 arXiv Bib @article{lilja2024exploring, title = {Exploring Semi-Supervised Learning for Online Mapping}, author = {Lilja, Adam and Wallin, Erik and Fu, Junsheng and Hammarstrand, Lars}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.10279}, year = {2024}, } 2023 Zenseact open dataset: A large-scale and diverse multimodal dataset for autonomous driving Mina Alibeigi, William Ljungbergh, Adam Tonderski, and 7 more authors In iccv, 2023 arXiv Bib Code Website @inproceedings{alibeigi2023zenseact, title = {Zenseact open dataset: A large-scale and diverse multimodal dataset for autonomous driving}, author = {Alibeigi, Mina and Ljungbergh, William and Tonderski, Adam and Hess, Georg and Lilja, Adam and Lindstr{\"o}m, Carl and Motorniuk, Daria and Fu, Junsheng and Widahl, Jenny and Petersson, Christoffer}, booktitle = iccv, pages = {20178--20188}, year = {2023}, }